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A flurry of team trailers for The King of Fighters XIV

There's no better time than the present to add a trio of trailers highlighting three of the teams from SNK's 3-on-3 fighter (releasing tomorrow in the UK and Europe), The King of Fighters XIV.

Firstly we have a trailer for the China Team, consisting of the body-morphing kung fu master from the Garou franchise, Tung Fu Rue and two new faces in sleep-happy Meitenkun and spirit arms-wielding schoolkid with the (unofficial) pair of Beats headphones, Shunei.

Next we see the return of a long-established team in the KOF franchise, The Pyscho Soldier Team. The franchise's idol and psychic energy user Athena, kung fu and ki wielder Kensou and the old drunken kung-fu master Chin show their skills in the trailer below (the Climax super move of Kensou's is quite stylish indeed).

Finally we are reintrouced to the Ikari Team (a team in the series that has remained unchanged since KOF '96). The trailer shows the explosive punching skills of Ralf, the slicing and explosive skills of blue (sometimes red?)-haired cool beauty, Leona, and the shades-wearer with throws for days military man, Clark.

Be sure to watch the trailers and leave any thoughts you have in the Comments section below. Also be sure to share my posts and become a follower of the blog if you haven't already.

My next blog update will include the remaining team trailers for the last three teams in the game's roster (and perhaps one or two more). I also hope to post my impressions of KOF XIV once I have the game in my hands and have given its various modes a good playtest.

Thanks as ever for reading and have a good Thursday.

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