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Marvel VS Capcom 3 is coming Marvel VS Capcom 3 is coming Marvel VS Capcom 3 is coming

Bet you can't guess what has been announced recently at Capcom's Captivate '10 event in Hawaii from the headline? Well if not, let me tell you. Although I had heard about this from an unnamed source back in Christmas last year and that Capcom were keeping it under wraps so that it wouldn't take the heat off of SUper Street Fighter IV it is nice to have this finally confirmed by good old Capcom themselves.

Although only few details have been released so far we can certainly look forward to a stellar installment of the Marvel and Capcom crossover series!

Oh yeah, there is also some trailer doing the rounds apparently. Something that showcases what's to come or something? Ah, there we go below this text right here. Have a look and see what you think.

All I can say is looking good. Now show some gameplay and that'll be even better. I want Frank West telling Spiderman he's covered wars y'know?

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